Sunday, November 30, 2008

Not sure how to get there.

I've done a lot of things. Or I've tried. Working out, trying to eat better. The time factor is what makes me give up and I end up binging. I don't want to do it anymore. I am going on vacation soon. I am choosing to not eat. Or not as much at least. I always see amazing photos of thin girls. And I am gaining weight. And it feels horrible. I want to weigh 110 pounds. I'm 5'4" and around 130. I used to weigh 118 a couple years ago. My clothes aren't fitting right. I want to know what it's like to wear a bikini and like what I see in the mirror. I have had this battle for quite some time with my body image. I am just here to make some friends or have some support. Maybe get some advice. Also if i barely eat anything a day, and work out, can I expect to drop 15 pounds in the next month? Ah. Well I'll keep updates.

1 comment:

Miichelle said...

Heey ! :)
I appreciate you following my blog !
I only started mine not too long ago,
last week maybe ?

I wanted to do what you're doing
& find other people who i can talk to,
maybe get some extra tips,
or keep me motivated .

I've done a lot of research & have done alot,
& have done a lot to keep it all a secret.
i know how difficult it can be when you feel alone, and have to keep such a big thing to your self.

I'm always here to talk to if you want .

I check my blog all the time through out the day, so i can always msg back.

I hope things are going well for you so far.
This Blog has really helped me so far!
Hopefully it will do the same for you.

Msg me if you would like.

