Sunday, December 7, 2008

Stress and Food. Day 7

GAH I feel so bad for yesterday. I ate a lot. :(:(:(:(:( I had like 1/4 cup of a smoothie, a cup of veggie soup. Then for lunch I had a chicken avocado sandwich and a side salad. Then I got home and went nuts and had an oatmeal raisin cookie, popcorn, and like 3 drinks of soda before I felt really sick so I threw it away. My boyfriend and I had a fight, and he wouldn't come home for like 2 days. So I was stressed out, and when I get stressed, I go to food. I've found that out ever since I can remember. But today is a new day and I'm not going to eat at ALL.

I can't believe how sick I felt after eating all that. I used to binge all the time. It feels horrible, why would I do it all the time? Food tastes good but not when it makes your stomach so full it hurts.

Anyways. Today is a new dayyy I keep telling myself. So I'll blog later tonight perhaps. I can do it... I got to.

-under the ivy.

1 comment:

Devon said...


i'm so sorry that you had a bad day. when things go wrong for me, i try to leave my apartment to avoid temptation and get my mind off of things. i'm so jealous that you dance! i'm 24 and danced my entire life up until the day i graduated college and then i stopped. i still regret it. stay strong!!! tomorrow is a new day. you can do this. you will reach your goal.